Quick Guide to set up LAMP in
Amazon Linux OS on ec2
In this blog, I will explain quick steps to install LAMP on Amazon Linux
Verify Access
Please check if logged in user can perform sudo commands.
e.g. sudo yum update –y
If not then, first you need to ask server admin to add user you are
logged in, to /etc/sudoers file.
If you are able to fire sudo commands then you don’t need to worry and let
us start with installation steps.
Install LAMP on empty Amazon ec2
1. sudo yum update -y
2. Install the Apache web server, MySQL, and PHP software packages
sudo yum groupinstall -y "Web
Server" "MySQL Database" "PHP Support"
sudo yum install php-xml
php-mcrypt php-mbstring php-cli
3. Install the php-mysql package.
sudo yum install -y php-mysql
4. Start the Apache web server.
sudo service httpd start
5. Use the chkconfig command to configure the Apache web server to start
at each system boot.
sudo chkconfig httpd on
6. Start the mysql server.
sudo service mysqld start
7. Run mysql_secure_installation to setup root password
sudo mysql_secure_installation
a. By
default, the root account does not have a password set, so press Enter.
Type Y to remove the anonymous user accounts.
Type Y to disable remote root login.
Type Y to remove the test database.
Type Y to reload the privilege tables and save your changes.
8. Use the chkconfig command to configure the Apache web server to start
at each system boot.
sudo chkconfig mysqld on
Install phpmyadmin
At the time of writing this, 4.2.7 was the latest version. you can
change the latest version in the below url before installing
1. wget
2. sudo tar -jxf
phpMyAdmin-4.0.3-all-languages.tar.bz2 -C /var/www/html
3. sudo mv /var/www/html/phpMyAdmin-4.0.3-all-languages /var/www/html/phpmyadmin
4. rm -rf
Now if you visit http://{domain_name}/phpmyadmin it should work
In case if it does not work check Allowoverride setting in
/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and change it to
Allowoverride all
If it still does not work, check /var/log/httpd/error_log
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For more information: Solution Analysts